Harutyunyan Events is an event planning and design team based in Los Angeles led by principal planner Hovik Harutyunyan.

Our Ethos

Hospitality that dares to dream is the guiding principle of our approach to events. Producing beautiful celebrations transcends mere decor and logistics. We believe hospitality is an act of love for those we host - thoughtfully crafting an experience that delights, thrills, transports, and bewitches our guests.

Unafraid to challenge norms and trends, our event designs draw from a tapestry of influences - be it the elegant lines of architecture; emotive arias of opera; alluring threads of fashion houses; mesmerizing wonders of nature; or the deepest corners of our imagination. Above all, our clients remain our greatest muse. The celebration worlds we build are fueled by their craving for both the elegant and the unexplored; the universal and the creative; the tradition and the future.

This is the heart of refined rebellion.

Meet Hovik

Prior to launching his own company, Hovik cultivated a multifaceted trajectory in the hospitality industry, garnering a comprehensive training in event production, culinary operations, team leadership, and experiential design. Awarded a scholarship to UC Berkeley, Hovik received a degree in economics with a concentration in mathematics and a minor in English literature. This academic discipline, he jokes, laid the groundwork for the ironclad, meticulous precision his planning has come to be known.

A certified wedding planner and etiquette specialist, Hovik understands and honors the backstory of traditions but knows how to tastefully bend them for today’s modern couples. With over a decade of seasoned expertise, Hovik is a contributor and go-to resource for the event industry’s leading editors, publications, and media outlets. He is an enthusiastic supporter of charities and the arts, including ballet, opera, fashion, and architecture—all of which inspire his designs. In his free time, he enjoys reading, hosting parties, boating in the Pacific Northwest, stargazing through his telescope, and savoring film noir.

“I grew up watching my mom entertain. She loved hosting - crafting recipes; arranging fabulous spreads; decorating every corner; perfectly orchestrating each detail. At times, I could have sworn she was floating through air. Of course, I wasn’t just a bright-eyed observer to the spectacle - I was in the action (usually enlisted to clean). If guests were coming, I knew the drill and I followed my orders dutifully. We were a team - she, the superhero; I, her trusty vacuuming sidekick - on a mission to always conquer our arch nemesis: the potential of inhospitality.

Little did I know then, she ignited the spark that blazed into my life’s calling. Though she is no longer with us, the lessons she imparted will forever remain. She taught me that celebrations are more than just parties - they’re opportunities to create joy and cherished memories with those closest to us. A love for events is ultimately a love for the guests. Every aspect of my work is dedicated to this principle.”